Mama sakit, Kak ngah jth moto..oh, rsaunya sy!~~~ ;(

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Sesungghnya sy mmg rsau if sthng bad happened to my family especially my sis bleh thn lg la kn, dy muda lg, jth moto wlaupun byk luka and lebam, still bleh balik umah dgn sendiri and jayanya...if sy dh lama dh tepon abah ckp mcm ni, "Abah, kak long jth moto dkt ....." pastu tggu ler abah meh ambik or if nk suh sy bwk balik moto tu dy follow sis is a strong girl..she knows how to take care of herself even though sometimes she's kinda blur.. but when i heard that my mama is in bad condition, she hardly can walk right now and when she wanna speak tears rolling down to her cheek.. tomorrow my abah akan bwk mama g hospital kt alor star, sbb myb hospital tu suggestion by the insurance company..hopefully everything will be alright...Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, tabahkanlah hati ibuku, agar dia mampu meneruskan hari2 yg mendtg dgn baik..Semoga semuanya selamat dikala aku berada diperantauan... ;( (sobs..sobs..sobs...)

