I'll be back soon

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Woohhooo... I'm going back soon.. wait for me yer my beloved family..sure i missed all those wonderful moment teasing my sisters, get them to trouble, make my mom and dad angry sometimes, i loose my temper easily while i'm with my sisters especially as i know no matter what happened they always and will look up at me as their big sister..however, sometimes, i do hate to notice how much i become so cruel towards my sisters..then i realize i gonna change myself for the better, be more mature while with them, control my anger so that i can be role model to them..

Well, now i'm off track..actually i just realize how i can't wait to go back to Malaysia for this summer holidays..yup, at first i don't wanna go back as i'm not really gonna stay in Australia for a long time, just for two years but then i realize i've been through quite a lot this year, i need to chill myself a bit and i wanna do it with my family..besides, i heard a lot of accidents happened lately, so better be safe than sorry right? you know what i mean.. well, can't wait till i get back, hopefully i may have a safe journey and i can see my family again..

